2022 Municipal Election Update

Municipal Election Update:

Polls are open in all areas!!!

Here's where you can vote:

City of Waterloo

City of Kitchener

City of Cambridge

Wilmot Township

Township of Wellesley

North Dumfries

Woolwich Township


We endorse the following candidates to our membership:

City of Waterloo

City of Kitchener

City of Cambridge

Woolwich Township

Wilmot Township

Township of Wellesley

North Dumfries Township

This election is extremely important in our daily students' as well as our working conditions in our schools. The municipal elections usually have a very low voter turnout. This means that each and every single vote will have a big impact! Please make sure you vote!


Some hints:

Take the list that is linked above into your polling station.  You can have the list in the voting booth with you. There are quite a few candidates in each category, so take this list in with you to make sure that you are voting for the correct candidate of your choice. It is not against the rules!  

Since October 24th is a workday and a PD Day, make sure you make time to vote. If you have other commitments to attend to outside of school hours, please consider voting in the advanced polls.  Many cities are now offering online voting or even curbside voting! The links above have more information about where and what times you can vote.

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