Award Spotlight: Distinguished Teacher Award


Do you know a colleague who has the following qualities?

* runs an exemplary program for students and has an ability to inspire learning

* is respected and admired by students, parents and co-workers

* demonstrates an awareness of current educational theories and practices

* displays initiative in continuing her/his personal growth

* shows the ability and willingness to work co-operatively with colleagues.

Then please nominate her/him for the *Distinguished Teacher Award*!

Up to 5 awards may be given! Think of all of your deserving colleagues and *do not delay* in putting forth their names.

Teachers may be nominated and supported by an ETFO-WRTL member or by a member of the educational community (parents, administrators or related school personnel).

Nomination packages, including nomination form and supporting information are due at the ETFO office no later than *Thursday, April 13th, 2017 by 4:30 pm*

Awards Nomination Form-2017

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