eNewsletter October 7, 2017

In this issue of your ETFO Waterloo Newsletter:

Enjoy your long weekend and take the necessary time you need to relax!


You must complete your enrolment before November 1 to ensure you have the full coverage you require.

Watch your board email for your personal enrolment instructions from OTIP. Enrolment closes December 1, 2016.

Have questions or need more information? 
• Visit www.etfo.ca/benefits • Contact OTIP Benefits Services at 1-866-783-6847

ETFO Waterloo will be hosting our annual Teacher Performance Appraisal Workshop. This workshop is directed toward teachers who have been identified by their administrators as being evaluated this year and who have questions regarding the evaluation process.  Teachers should have received letters from their administrators on or by October 3, 2016, that indicate they are to be evaluated this year.

Register here

WRDSB Wellness Speaker Series

Clutter Solutions for Educators
October 20, 2016, 7:00pm- 8:00pm, Galt Collegiate Institute - Auditorium 
Participants leave the workshop with practical skills and the renewed encouragement to; reclaim control of their space, manage their paper files and work smarter not harder

Mind, Body, Heart & Soul Self-Care Practices
October 26, 2016, 7:00pm- 8:00pm, Waterloo Collegiate Institute - Auditorium
Come and learn some tips and tools for integrating all that you do and all that you are, in a way that recognizes these four aspects of yourself to help you become more creative, resourceful and whole. Lecture, short meditation, and inspiration!

Register here

The ETFO Waterloo 2016-2017 Standing Committee list has been finalized!
Thanks to the many members who have put their names forward to serve on these important committees.

Workplace violence, harassment, and serious student incidents are serious and must be reported.

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), employers must develop policies, programs and procedures to address workplace violence and workplace harassment. These requirements also include grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code. In practical terms, the required policies, programs and procedures for workplace violence and workplace harassment are demonstrated through, for example: information, instruction and supervision; risk assessment and re-assessment; safety plans and behaviour plans; getting immediate assistance; and reporting and responding.

The WRDSB Administrative Procedure 2330 - MANAGEMENT PROCESS FOR STUDENT BEHAVIOURS CAUSING A RISK-OF-INJURY highlights the actions your administrator must take in responding to violent students.

If you are involved in a violent incident, please complete the WRDSB form. Submit to the Health, Wellness, and Security department and send a copy to the ETFO Waterloo office.

IMPORTANT: Collection of Money in Schools
Teachers are often called upon to collect money from their students and parents. Teachers are not accountants and could never be held to generally accepted accounting standards.

There is no legal requirement in the Education Act that teachers must collect funds raised from selling planners, chocolate, picture day, magazine orders, running a book club, or collecting pizza day funds. Yet, when these activities take place, often at the initiation of the school administration or school council, teachers are often asked to take charge of the money.

Teachers are not responsible for counting, sorting, any online accounting via School Day and filling out deposit slips related to activities not initiated by the teacher (i.e. whole school initiatives like special lunches, uniforms, planners, etc.). Collecting the money and ensuring it is transferred to the office immediately after collection is fine. Typically this looks like: a large envelope for collecting all the money, then the envelope is delivered to the office immediately after. That's it. All the rest should be handled in the office. 

If an individual teacher has initiated a trip or other activity that requires money collection, then it is reasonable for the teacher to assume more responsibility for counting, deposit slips, etc.

Teachers should not be storing money in classrooms for any period of time in either situation.
FAQ - Can I use it (Graduation, Family Care, and Personal Days)?

On occasion, we will highlight some Frequently Asked Questions that we hear at our office. In this edition, Vice President Ali Lyon clarifies the specific types of leaves available to members and when it is appropriate to use each. Please contact Ali if you have addition questions.

Click here to visit our website to understand the differences between these leave days.
The WRDSB United Way Employee campaign has begun!  ETFO Waterloo is a proud member of this committee and actively encourages our members to contribute to this campaign using an automatic payroll deduction. 

The dollars we raise through our United Way campaign stay here, in our community, and are invested back into programming for children, youth and their families, like mentoring, individual and family counselling, in-school behavioural management, mental health supports, after school programs, and emergency shelter & food hampers.

Waterloo Region Dates of Significance

Tuesday, October 25 - TPA Workshop - CLICK TO REGISTER
Thursday, October 27 - Fall Business Meeting - CLICK TO REGISTER
Monday, October 31 - Earliest date for progress reports to be due.
Friday, November 4 - Health and Safety Training Due Date
Thursday, November 10 - Fall Dinner Honouring 25 Year and New Teachers.
Wednesday, November 30 - Concussion Management training completion due date


Provincial Opportunities

November 1-29 FNMI Online Book Club - Perspectives and the Truth and Reconciliation - Registration closes Friday, October 14
November 9-10 Protect Yourself! An ETFO Women’s Conference - Registration closes Monday, October 10
November 21-22, 2016  - ETFO's MentorCoaching Institute for Women: Mentee Program Registration closes Monday, October 17, 2016. 
November 24 and 25 - Effective Negotiation Skills for Women Leaders - Registration closes Friday, October 28, 2016.
November 28-29 - The Workshop Presenter's Palette Part 2 - Registration closes Friday, October 14, 2016

Board Room Highlights - Vice President Jeff Pelich attends the weekly WRDSB board meetings and prepares reports for the membership. Follow the meeting live on Twitter by searching for the hashtag - #etfowr

ETFO New Members Reception - On Monday, September 26, your federation hosted an reception for new contract teachers and their school representatives. 

Make It Fair Rally - On Saturday, October 1, activists from ETFO Waterloo and other local unions attending the Rally for Decent Work at Queen’s Park in Toronto. 

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