Get your ETFO-WR Brave Space Poster this Spring!

These Brave Space posters have been designed by our local ETFO Equity and Social Justice Committee.  They are intended to be displayed as symbols of inclusion and support for students, staff, families, and other community members who are part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.  They also offer tips and strategies that can help students and teachers reflect on our use of language, our habits, and our choices in and out of the classroom.   The 2023 Brave Space posters update and replace the ETFO-WR Positive Space posters, originally released in 2018. 

Brave Space posters are being distributed via Fed. Reps. during March, April and May 2023, however, additional copies can be requested by emailing Ryan Wettlaufer at [email protected].

Keep reading to learn more about the Brave Space Poster design.

What is a Brave Space?

Brave spaces protect the human rights of everyone present.  They encourage members to stand up and speak out against hate and discrimination.  They also invite learners to share their ideas, beliefs, values, and lived experiences.  In a brave space, questions and sharing and discussion are encouraged.  Courageous conversations are approached with honesty, sensitivity, and respect.  A brave space leaves room for honest mistakes and focuses on learning and restorative practices. 

The Pride Flag

The ETFO-WR Brave Space poster features the intersex-inclusive version of the Progress Pride Flag.  In addition to the rainbow stripes of the long-standing pride flag, this flag is explicitly inclusive of black and brown members of the community.  White, pink, and blue represent members of the trans community, while the yellow triangle and purple ring acknowledges intersex community members.  While still imperfect, this version of the pride flag recognizes intersectional identities, including identities that continue to face marginalization even within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.


2S = Two-Spirit

L = Lesbian

G = Gay

B = Bisexual

T = Trans

Q = Queer or Questioning

I = Intersex

A = Asexual or Aromantic

+ = There are many other identities that can describe one's gender or attraction.

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  • Gina Belanger
    commented 2024-01-07 20:29:32 -0500
    I would love to be able to have this poster in French. Merci beaucoup!
  • Ryan Wettlaufer
    published this page in News 2023-03-27 11:42:19 -0400