GSA Button Making Competition 2019
The ETFO-WR Equity and Social Justice Committee presents:
GSA Button Making Competition 2019
The “competition” is open to Elementary GSAs and similar equity groups.
How it works:
- Have students create button designs using the template provided (see link below).
- Submit each student’s favourite design (1 per student) by sending them in the courier to Laurie Mackechnie at Courtland Public School.
- Each design will be turned into a button and will be returned via the courier.
- Deadline: March 8, 2019. Every submission wins (while supplies last).
Helpful Hints:
- Download the 2” button template at
- Don’t have students cut out their circle. Send in a square cut around the button design or a strip of templates with the favourite design clearly marked. This helps ensure that the buttons wrap and seal properly.
- Consider keeping a photocopy of your designs with student names beside each submission. This will make it easier for students to identify which button is theirs after the competition.
- Include your name and contact info when submitting your button designs so that all buttons make it back to the right school.