Equity Minute: Treaty Recognition Week

The first week of November is Treaty Recognition Week in Ontario.  Treaties are legally binding agreements that set out the rights, responsibilities, and relationships between First Nations, the Federal Government and the Province.   In Ontario, there are 46 treaties (as well as other agreements) that took place between 1781 and 1930.  Treaties Recognition Week provides another opportunity to learn more about them and to take a step toward reconciliation.

Each school should have received a treaties map.  If you have not seen it, ask your administrator.  An online version can be found at https://files.ontario.ca/treaties_map_english.pdf.  Additional treaties information and links to further resources have been provided by the Chiefs of Ontario website.  ETFO’s Spirit Horse Website also provides a wealth of information and resources related to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit education under the FNMI Resources Link.

Chiefs on Ontario


Spirit Horse (ETFO)



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