ETFO Waterloo in the News - Violence in Schools
ETFO Waterloo has been actively engaged in on-going lobbying efforts with our trustees and local MPPs regarding violence in the workplace. As a result, WRDSB Trustees requested a report on Violence in Schools and to share data related to incidents of aggression. ETFO Waterloo President Greg Weiler and Vice President Jeff Pelich presented as a delegation at this meeting. You can read Jeff's presentation here.
Following the delegation and report, Trustees passed two motions.
1) To send a letter to Ontario Public School Board Association and the Ministry of Education demanding action on violence in the workplace. Our OPSBA rep will bring forward this request directly to their organization to join our call for further resources and a review of the funding formula.
2) That the WRDSB share in writing on a quarterly basis the data related to the number of incidents of aggression. This will ensure that the increasing number and severity of violent incidents of aggression will remain on the radar locally.
Over the last week, ETFO Waterloo has been featured prominently in the local and provincial media due to these efforts and the release of the results of the Provincial Member Survey on Workplace Violence.
Waterloo Region Record - Alarm grows as more violent and unruly students lash out at teachers
CTV Kitchener - Violence in the classroom on the rise locally and provincially
CTV Kitchener - WRDSB teachers faced violence 1300 times last year
CBC - Waterloo region teachers wearing Kevlar as violence in classroom
CTV News - Demand for protective gear in the classroom growing
Kitchener Post - Violence on the rise, teachers' union says
570 News - Local teachers share their experiences with violence in the workplace
Corus Media - Elementary School Teachers in Ontario experiencing violence in the classroom
Waterloo Region Record - Editorial: End the Violence in our Schools