Gift Cards for Shelters

This year, the PA/PR Committee would like to ensure that all families in our community have an opportunity to celebrate Family Day without worrying about basic necessities. We are collecting Gift Cards to help both the mothers and children who reside in Shelters.

The average Canadian household receives over $500 in gift cards each year, many of which are never redeemed. If your wallet is filling up with them, you can donate them today!

Those who are forced to reside in shelters appreciate the opportunity to use these cards to choose items which meet their family’s needs. It provides them with a sense of freedom when their lives are in crisis.

Your school rep will have a collection box within your school. Please deposit your gift card donations by Wednesday, January  22. 

All Gift Card donations will be shared with Anselma House, Haven House, YWCA Emergency Shelter Services, Bridges and Monica Place. We recommend gift cards to stores that offer a variety of options: food, clothing, personal hygiene products, and basic home necessities.



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